COMMUNITY ONEOur most popular selection! Community One is the suburban heaven, with stores and restaurants within walking distance (really, they're all right down the hall)! If you don't mind the buzzing of the fluorescent lights overhead and are looking for a tight knit neighborhood, Community One is for you!COMMUNITY ONE STARTING PRICE:$20,000

COMMUNITY TWOThe perfect community for those with or expecting children! The little ones can run wild while you get some (much needed) time to yourself. The floors are all padded, so there's no need to worry about your youngster's safety while you're away! Not only this, but Community Two is our most popular selection for families, which means plenty of playmates for your kiddos!COMMUNITY TWO STARTING PRICE:$15,000

COMMUNITY THREEA great choice for those who are just moving into UTOPIA or for our older residents. Unfortunately, this Community is the closest of all to the border. Worry not, valued customer citizen! All your necessities will be delivered to your door, without you ever needing to take a single step outside!COMMUNITY THREE STARTING PRICE:$1,000

COMMUNITY FOURCommunity Four is the perfect place to go if you need to relax. While many people don't stay here long term, you can frequently find people from other communities visiting this quaint and quiet little area, and those that do live here treat each other like family. If you're looking for the closest thing to love you can get, Community Four is the place for you!COMMUNITY FOUR STARTING PRICE:$25,000

COMMUNITY FIVEWe're sorry, Community Five is currently unavailable to the public. Any attempt to reach Community Five will be met with immediate intervention from the nearest UTOPIA administrator. Please select another community. UTOPIA thanks you for your patience and understanding.COMMUNITY FOUR STARTING PRICE:N/A

We're sorry, this community is currently full. Please wait for the next opening or choose another community. UTOPIA thanks you for your patience and understanding.